CO2 Treatments – Skin Resurfacing
What to Expect After Treatment?
The AcuPulse Laser Treatment produces expected side effects. The intensity and duration of your side effects depend on the treatment aggressiveness and your individual healing characteristics. Generally, patients who are treated more aggressively experience more intense and longer-lasting side effects; however, some patients who receive a less aggressive treatment may experience side effects of greater-than-expected magnitude, while others receiving more aggressive treatments may experience side effects of less-than-expected magnitude. Notify your physician if the severity of your side effects becomes a problem for you.
What you might experience after the procedure?
- Redness is common and should subside significantly during the first 7 days after treatment. While prolonged redness may last up to 3 months, a small degree of redness may last longer.
- Swelling may appear after treatment and generally resolves within 1-2 weeks.
- Exudates/bleeding/crusting. Because the laser beam penetrates into the deep dermal layer, clear fluid (exudates) or blood may ooze onto the skin. Crusting or scabbing may form if the exudates or blood dries. Keeping the treated area moist helps prevent crusting and subsequent scarring.
- Pain may linger after the procedure is complete. Discomfort from swelling (tightness) is more likely to occur than acute pain.
- Pigmentary changes. After treatment, skin may appear darker (hyperpigmentation) or lighter (hypopigmentation) than before. Although most are transient, it could be permanent.
- Itching and dry skin are common while the skin is healing. Flaking, sloughing, and dry crusting will gradually clear. Itching can be quite intense at times. Avoid picking and rubbing as this could cause scarring.
- Flare-up of acne or formation of milia due to the use of semi-occlusive dressing.
How to Care for Your Skin After Treatment?
Congratulations! You have taken the first step toward more healthy and radiant-looking skin by having a Fraxel repair SST laser treatment. Now it is important to help your skin heal quickly and protect your skin investment.
- Precautions. Gentle shower to the treatment area with tepid water is acceptable, followed by patting dry with gauze and occlusive ointment application. Vasoline is preferred. Limit movement of the treatment area to facilitate healing. Avoid contact of the treatment area with clothing to minimize the risk of abrasion. Sleep on your back for the first few nights to avoid having the repaired skin contact your pillow or sheets. Avoid strenuous activity and alcohol for the first 3 days post-treatment. Minimize sun exposure by wearing a wide-brim hat if you are going to be in the sun until your skin has healed.
- Wash Your Hands. Hand-washing is the most important thing you can do to prevent infection, though the risk from bacterial, viral or fungal agents exists despite our best preventative effort. Wash your hands every time before you touch the treated area.
- Reduce Swelling / Pain Relief. To reduce swelling and for pain relief, you may:
- Place ice packs (bags of frozen peas) on the treated area for the first 2–3 days.
- Take Tylenol® 500 mg, two tablets, every 6 hours.
- Keep your head elevated while resting, and for the first few nights. This helps reduce swelling and promote healing.
- Use a bland moisturizer or moisturizing sunscreen that has previously not caused irritation
- Questions/Concerns. Call us if you experience any one of the following:
- Pain that is not relieved by Tylenol
- Excessive redness, swelling, bleeding, and/or scab formation
- Excessive itching, especially when accompanied by sign of infection
- Signs of infection: whitish to yellowish film on the treated area, with or without foul odor; you may also develop a fever of 100.4F or above
Please follow these cleansing instructions:
- Wash hands thoroughly with soap, rinse and dry before each post-treatment skin care session.
- Designate the non-dominant hand as the “clean” hand for retrieving wet gauze, then transfer the gauze to the dominant hand for cleansing.
- Use vinegar-soaked gauze 2–3 times a day.
- Gently dab the treatment area with the vinegar-soaked gauze.
- Pat dry with dry gauze.
- Apply a thin layer of occlusive ointment over the entire treated area after each cleansing.
- Allow skin to peel naturally over 3-4 days after treatment.
- Do not scrub, rub or exfoliate.
- Off-face treatment areas, such as hands or arms, will take longer.
- Dry gauze
- Bottled water, 16 oz
- White distilled vinegar
- A clean container
- Open an unused bottle of each: one 16 oz bottled water, and one white distilled vinegar.
- Pour 2 tablespoons of water out of the bottled water, then add in 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
- Shake gently to mix.
- Mark the bottle with a marker as “vinegar water” to avoid confusion.
- To make vinegar soaks, place 10 – 20 gauzes inside the container, carefully add in vinegar water until all gauzes are saturated.